Notes on Bliss


A few years ago my work was divided in two: the service part (I taught piano lessons) and the creative part (I was a recording/performing artist). This is not to say there was no creativity in my teaching and no service in my artistry. Of course there were glimmers. But for the most part I served students by relaying my knowledge of Bach Inventions and Jazz standards. And I delved my creative depths in the words, melodies, and chords of my songwriting. 

I'm well aware that my work has changed utterly. I'm more behind-the-scenes. I'm more of a leader. I'm more collaborative. I could list twenty things. 

But something I hadn't considered is this: Now my service and my creativity are the same. Absolutely all of my work -- producing, songwriting, songwriting coaching, building creativity resource -- is more wildly creative AND more fully serving than ever. 

As of this hour, I'm convinced THIS is why I'm so very happy. It's joyful to spend my hours reaching ever further into my creative capacity. It's meaningful to spend my hours serving those around me. But it is BLISS that they are the same.

To know the thing that is special in me is the thing the world wants from me.

I think creativity is innately generous. Artists are givers. We ache to hold in our outstretched hands the gift that is ourselves. And I think so much pain befalls us when we feel our creativity otherwise. When we see it as self-serving. Something no one wants. Something we promote into an abyss. It's like we're begging people to care about us, when all we ever wanted was to care about them.

Now that I've tasted this intersection of creativity and service, I wish it for everyone. I call to you to remember that every time you create, you are being generous. Please never forget the inherent generosity of your creative heart.

All my love,


Rachel Efron