
I released four albums and an EP of original songs before I ever considered writing songs for other artists.

I’m so glad I finally considered it!

Suffice it to say I have not looked back. It’s the third ringing bell of my life (the first being writing my songs, the second being songwriting coaching / producing). And it’s as loud as any of them. From R&B to pop, Latin to stadium rock, it has been a thrill serving OTHER’S voices. Co-creating with OTHER’S brilliance. And even as I attune, I discover and indulge pockets of myself that I didn’t even know were there.

Recent highlights include Together We Run, the first track on the new Journey album, Freedom, and The Night’s Not Over, the new single of legendary artist/producer Narada Michael Walden. I have also written for and with Kyra Gordon, Arden Alexa, Leon Rosen, Maurice Tani, Norzin Chomphel, Jay Clemens, Jennie Cano, and Bekah Barnett, and contributed three songs to the Dan Wilson musical, “Sweetie Tanya.”


“Together We Run” • Journey

Such an honor and pleasure to work with Journey on their much anticipated new album, “Freedom.” I started “Together We Run” during the first weeks of the pandemic, when suddenly taking someone’s hand was the stuff of fantasy. “Freedom” hit #1 in the rock charts with “Together We Run” getting special love, opening the album, named by many critics as one of the best songs on the album, and likened to “Don’t Stop Believing’’ by Jonathan Cain, himself!


“So Beautiful” • Narada Michael Walden

I’m so proud to be a writer on the beautiful new Narada Michael Walden album, Euphoria. Check out So Beautiful. It’s our most deep in love song — the third song we ever wrote together, and still one of my favorites. Other contributors to this album include Sting, Stevie Wonder, and Carlos Santana, not to mention Cornell Carter, Pino Nicolosi, Jackson Allen, and David Frazer, among many others.


“The Night’s Not Over” • Narada Michael Walden

One of my great joys is writing with and for genius artist/producer Narada Michael Walden. What fun to dream up his new hit single, “The Night’s Not Over.” As Narada says, “We’re telling people that love and romance are just as important as ever. We need to enjoy life and value each other more. Live life and love more.” Dance around and by all means enjoy the celestial music video.


“Searching For a Home” • David Hobbes

I’m not surprised the world loves this album — but I am delighted! It was such a pleasure to co-craft these ten clever, grooving, moving songs and it’s great to see that joy translating into audience love. In its first month, Searching For A Home passed 150K streams on Spotify — remarkable for a debut by an independent artist.


“New Nirvana” • Jay Clemens

Co-writing these songs with Jay was such a joy! Truly, our sessions involved as much laughing as songwriting. And I’m so proud of the results. My personal favorites are Ts’ao Ts’ao, Halo Above Her, and New Nirvana. And I would be remiss not to mention that Falling in Love on Zoom won a national songwriting award!


“God Be With You Always” • Shaina Faith

Something I love about writing for other artists is how much I get to be myself -- parts of myself that don't come out when I write for myself, but are nonetheless true, maybe even more true for how long they've gone unexpressed. 

I love Shaina's story -- her resilience through childhood illness, her passion for music, her bright-as-the-sun spirit. So it was an honor to articulate her story in her first single, God Be With You Always. And it’s always a joy to collaborate with the brilliant Narada Michael Walden.


“Falling Away” • Raleigh Duncan

All the sincerity and generosity and authentic spirituality you hear in these songs? That’s exactly who Raleigh is! It was an incredible experience both musically and personally to discover these songs with Raleigh. I helped write these songs, but they helped write me right back.


“Measure Of Degree” • David Hobbes

Dave is an exacting lyricist. A conspiratorial storyteller. A lover of satisfying melody and a devotee of catchy groove. His songs are both irreverent and deeply felt. Over-it and committed. Scathing and fun.

I enjoyed our writing sessions immensely. You would not believe the time and care put into each chosen word, note, and chord.

Or perhaps, by the symmetry of the results, you would!


“Tell Me and I’ll Listen” • Kyra Gordon

It was such an honor to write on this beautiful song. I’ll always have fond memories of sitting with Kyra, discovering the essence of what this song really wanted to be, and then finding the words and form and chords to realize it.


“Not In Love With Me” • Norzin Chomphel

I love Norzin's new single so very much! A few months ago Norzin knew she wanted to record Falling. We dug in and after we got it in a great place I asked her if there was anything else she wanted to track this time around. She said there was one other song she'd been kicking around. She then played Not In Love With Me and I was all but speechless. What a powerhouse of a song! What a gorgeous heartbreaker! What a luscious balm for a lovesick soul! As always with Norzin, it was a joy to contribute.


“Charity Work” • Arden Alexa

I’ll always remember the writing session for Arden Alexa’s “Charity Work,” laughing ourselves silly as we bemoaned and celebrated the absurdity of dating. And we each got in a couple good digs at our exes! I admire Arden for her commitment to telling stories with humor, sensitivity, and feeling — and without a shade of pretense.


“You and Me” • Norzin Chompel

I believe so completely in this young artist, and so it was a great joy and privilege to assist with some of the writing of her debut EP, You and Me. The title track is flirty, cheeky, and vulnerable, with an undercurrent of longing that grooves from a single voice all the way through to a tower of 8!